His Hand

Never be sad – shun despairing remorse –
Jesus is ever near.
Cheer up! Just think, life could be much worse;
But Christ sees each falling tear;
Life’s trials may be many and joys but few,
But His hand will see you through.

Christ bore all this and a whole lot more –
He never did give up;
His tender head bled and His back grew sore,
Yet He drank that bitter cup;
Don’t shut Him out, whatever you do,
For His hand was pierced for you.

Penned: 1976
Copyright (c) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

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Published by

Dahana Baxter

Dahana Baxter

The LORD has graciously blessed Dahana Baxter with the privileged experience of being a fourth generation, life-time Adventist. By His grace she currently holds local church membership in the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and is a Co-host/Presenter on ABL. In eager anticipation of the imminent soon return of Jesus Christ, her greatest joy is found in exalting and serving Him at any post that He assigns her in His Advent-hour Vineyard. To this end she covets your earnest biblical prayers on her behalf.