From undxpected walks of life
There blossom kindly deed and word
With fragrance of Christ’s love, that give
Us cause anew to praise our LORD.
And none need any knowledve have
Of visits, funds, attire or food
Shared in quiet as God leads, save
Those who helped and understood.
For Christ-like deeds in private done
As sure shall bless as though they be
Great public feats: but shall have won
God’s sure reward – and openly.
Or tiniest act or simplest thought
To every soul that we dispense,
Cbrist will assess – without a doubt –
As incense sweet or great offence.
So all the quiet kindnesses
That rightly represent our God,
They lift a soul in sore distress….
Small miracles that leave us awed!…
This verse awards sincere “Thank-you”
For every ‘unexpected friend’.
Keep faithful! Soon, we’ll share the view
Of heav’n where friendships never end.
Penned: March 23, 1999.
Dedicated to Norma, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
Scriptural allusion: Matthew 6:3-4.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reerved.