✔️Check Your Bible Knowledge!

📌 Who lived the longest, yet was out-lived by his father?

📌 Name the oldest person who has ever lived.

📌 Whose bed was 13 feet long and six feet wide?

📌 Who was the first liar on earth?

📌 Which of the four gospel writers recorded the childhood of Jesus?

📍 To check your answers, please visit our Advent-Hour Bulletin Board!

📖 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God,…” 📖

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Published by

Dahana Baxter

Dahana Baxter

The LORD has graciously blessed Dahana Baxter with the privileged experience of being a fourth generation, life-time Adventist. By His grace she currently holds local church membership in the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and is a Co-host/Presenter on ABL. In eager anticipation of the imminent soon return of Jesus Christ, her greatest joy is found in exalting and serving Him at any post that He assigns her in His Advent-hour Vineyard. To this end she covets your earnest biblical prayers on her behalf.