Jun 19th
“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” Philippians 2:3, 4.
“There is nothing which will weaken the strength of a church like pride and passion. . . . Christ has given us an example of love and humility and has enjoined upon His followers to love one another as He has loved us. We must in lowliness of mind esteem others better than ourselves. We must be severe upon our own defects of character, be quick to discern our own errors and mistakes, and make less of the faults of others than of our own. We must feel a special interest in looking upon the things of others — not to covet them, not to find fault with them, not to remark upon them and present them in a false light, but to do strict justice in all things to our brethren and all with whom we have any dealings. A spirit to work plans for our own selfish interest so as to grasp a little gain, or to labor to show a superiority or rivalry, is an offense to God. The spirit of Christ will lead His followers to be concerned not only for their success and advantage, but to be equally interested for the success and advantage of their brethren. This will be loving our neighbor as ourselves. . . .
“Jesus alone is to be exalted. Whatever may be the ability or the success of any one of us, it is not because we have manufactured these powers ourselves; they are the sacred trust given us of God, to be wisely employed in His service to His glory. All is the Lord’s entrusted capital. Why, then, should we be lifted up? Why should we call attention to our own defective selves? What we do possess in talent and wisdom is received from the Source of wisdom, that we may glorify God. . . .
“Pride of talent, pride of intellect, cannot exist in hearts that are hid with Christ in God. . . . Then let us humble ourselves, and adore Jesus, but never, never, exalt self in the least degree. . . . If the motive of all our life is to serve and honor Christ and bless humanity in the world, then the dreariest path of duty will become a bright way — a path cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in.” TMK 176.2 – 176.4