What’s The (Veggie) Scoop?!

Here’s What’s Cooking!

Culinary Tips:

Proper meal planning and food preparation can be very time-consuming. The following tips can definitely spare much valuable time on a bustling weekday, but especially on the Preparation Day for the Sabbath. Weather you are an experienced cook or just a beginner, you just might find some of these “tips for cooking” to be worth the knowing and exploring.

Cooking your own food permits you to control segment sizes and ingredients selections. It is also more economical. However, learning and adapting to all that slashing, cutting, and dicing can be quite challenging, if not intimidating, to some. So here are some of the cooking secrets that you can use in every-day cooking:

Adding Salt
For a more even distribution, try sprinkling salt from high above the food. Even putting a little bit of salt from a closer point can result in its sticking to this or that item on the plate or in the pot. For healthiest results, use authentic sea salt such as Celtic sea salt.

🍅 Storing your tomatoes 🍅
Refrigerating tomatoes will kill their flavor and alter their juicy consistency. For better results keep tomatoes on a counter to permit them to ripen more naturally.

📝 Plan Beforehand 📆
Planning your meal a day ahead can eliminate the “What’s for the dinner” syndrome. This also can save you time and money by planning around ingredients already available.

🔪 Use The Right Equipment 🌡
It is very important to use appropriate and well-conditioned tools for each task. This practice bas time-saving and multiple other benefits. Using the wrong tools such as dull knives or ineffective pot-holders, can result in serious accidents, or wasting time on very simple tasks. So have a good knowledge of culinary tools and keep them handy before you start your food preparation.

Storing Spices
Since dampness, light, and heat will cause herbs and spices to lose their flavor, it is best to store them in a cool, dark area, and not over your stove.

🍄 Storing Mushrooms 🍄
Because the standard plastic tubs provide an abundace of moisture whicb is a slime-sentence for mushrooms, and paper packages are more effective in keeping them clean and dry, storing them this way is a sure winner.

In the wake of working with garlic, rub your hands vivaciously on your stainless steel sink for 30 seconds before washing them. It will expel the smell.

Hold every piece of food with long tongs as you add it to the oil. Holding it in place just underneath the oil’s surface for five seconds before discharging it will seal the outside and prevent it from adhering to the pot.

IIce your greens
Limp lettuce is just unacceptable, and we all know it. So you can re-hydrate and refresh your leaves by separating and submerging them in a sinkful of frosted water for anywhere between 5 and 30 mins, depending on how dismal they are looking.

🍦 Storing Ice Cream 🍦
A plastic cooler sack keeps the cold air from invading your ice cream and making it rock-hard. If you appreciate soft ice cream, you will not mind taking the additional step. Try expelling as much as air out of the bag as possible, before placing it in the freezer.

Keep Your Cutting Board From Sliding
To keep your cutting board from sliding around on the counter whilst using that sharp knife, place a wet paper towel or damp dish-cloth or towel under your board. This should teach it to keep its place!….

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Published by

Dahana Baxter

Dahana Baxter

The LORD has graciously blessed Dahana Baxter with the privileged experience of being a fourth generation, life-time Adventist. By His grace she currently holds local church membership in the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and is a Co-host/Presenter on ABL. In eager anticipation of the imminent soon return of Jesus Christ, her greatest joy is found in exalting and serving Him at any post that He assigns her in His Advent-hour Vineyard. To this end she covets your earnest biblical prayers on her behalf.