
Dear Teens,

Do you realise how most tenderly Jesus Christ loves you (yes, you...) personally? Yes, He does, too!

In fact, so much so that He came to earth to suffer and die just to rescue you from the miseries of sin!

This is because you are most precious to His heart!…

Do you know how beautiful are the plans and how high are the expectations He has set for your life? If ever in doubt, or forgetful, please re-visit Jeremiah 29:11-13!

His plans and expectations for you are worthy and high enough, for Him to send His Holy Spirit to comfort and guide you through His Word, the Bible.

For example, please prayerfully memorise 1 Timothy 4:12.

May the LORD direct and bless you always.

Prayers and Hugs,

Aunty D.

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Published by

Dahana Baxter

Dahana Baxter

The LORD has graciously blessed Dahana Baxter with the privileged experience of being a fourth generation, life-time Adventist. By His grace she currently holds local church membership in the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and is a Co-host/Presenter on ABL. In eager anticipation of the imminent soon return of Jesus Christ, her greatest joy is found in exalting and serving Him at any post that He assigns her in His Advent-hour Vineyard. To this end she covets your earnest biblical prayers on her behalf.