About SOS Initiatives

From the first joyful purchase and prayerfully random distribution of the colourful “Hour-glass” Bibles – fifty of English, and 25 each of Spanish and French – in December 1999, the LORD has sprouted and tenderly preserved this earnest, international soul-saving effort, currently named “SOS (Salvation Of Souls) Initiatives“.

Since 1999 until the present, the LORD has graciously worked through this ever-expanding avenue to redemptively touch the lives of countless of His hurting, discouraged, straying, disgruntled, prayer-hungry, Truth-seeking, deceived, or confused precious children – beginning with my own.

By the year 2001, SOS Ministries was ‘officially’ named. It served then, mainly through daily Intercessory Prayer, as well as a monthly mailing of Literature, and also of amateur Cassette Tape-Recordings which comprised sacred music selected to match Bible studies, sermons, exhortations and appeals, etc. The LORD blessed both distributions which were perpetually increasing by leaps and bounds. To date, the Intercessory Prayer ministry continues, by God’s grace.

Under the Holy Spirit’s direction, SOS Ministries has, through the years, served hearts that have needed biblical counselling: pre-marital, marital, parenting, spiritual, emotional, etc. For a little over three-and-a-half years, SOS Ministries also ministered the Word of God, flanked by sacred song, and prayer, to conference-call listeners/participants via Women Professing Godliness (WPG) and The Daily Prayer Watch (DPW) Teleconferences. (Over 390 recordings of the archived DPW conference calls are currently retrievable.)

In February 2017, the LORD graciously inspired, established, and introduced ABL, and a few months later “SOS Ministries” became “SOS Initiatives“.

Today, to God’s exclusive glory, SOS Initiatives stands as a monument of His loving, redemptive power and faithfulness; a ministry He uses to move upon lives across the globe; a beacon of His willingness and power to equip and employ those who by His grace respond submissively to His call to render faithful soul-saving service in His Advent-Hour Vineyard.



Our Brief History:
ABL began initially as an hour-long weekly Conference Call convening on Fridays at 8:30 P.M. EST to study Bible Prophecies. To date, the Lord has graciously enlarged the tents of ABL to have a schedule of six weekly teleconferences also known as Advent-Hour Initiatives.

Our Cause:
Central to the cause of ABL is addressing the need among SDA lay members to be: Equipped with the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of Bible Truths for this “Time of the End”; Mobilised by Christ’s compassionate love for fallen humanity; and Empowered and emboldened by God’s Holy Spirit.

Our Purpose:
Ours is the singular purpose of spreading the Advent Message, sowing “beside all waters” as we proclaim the Loud Cry of End-time Bible Prophecy. This is so that Christ can finish His work in each of us, cut it short in righteousness, and come to take His Commandment-Keeping Bride home, “That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” Ephesians 5:26

Our Charge:
As Christ’s Ambassadors:
“We are not to wait until opportunities come to us; we are to seek for opportunities, and we are to be ready always to give a reason for the hope that is in us.” Gospel Workers 122.3

Our Conviction:
ABL Serves:
“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

Our (Macedonian) Call:
Will you join us?

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