En el Día de Preparacíon

21 de Mayo

“Acuérdate del día de reposo para santificarlo.”

Éxodo 20:8

“Viernes, 21 de febrero de 1896.

“Este es día de preparación. Debemos llegar al sábado habiendo terminado nuestra obra de la debida manera, y sin llevar algo de ella hasta el sábado. Por la mañana, debemos comenzar cuidando de cualquier prenda de vestir que pudiéramos haber descuidado durante la semana, a fin de que nuestra vestimenta pueda ser limpia, ordenada y de la debida apariencia en el lugar donde el pueblo de Dios se reúne para el culto. Debiera evitarse el entrar en nuevas ocupaciones, si es posible, y debe hacerse un esfuerzo para terminar las cosas ya comenzadas que están hechas a medias. Prepárese todo lo que tenga que ver con los asuntos del hogar, de modo que no haya preocupaciones y la mente esté dispuesta para descansar y meditar en las cosas celestiales.

“Debe examinarse mucho más íntimamente la semana pasada. Repásesela y véase si, como una rama de la Vid viviente, nos hemos alimentado de la Viña materna para dar mucho fruto para la gloria de Dios. Si ha habido excitación febril, si se han pronunciado palabras apresuradas, si se ha revelado pasión, seguramente esto ha sido obra de Satanás. Límpiese el corazón por medio de la confesión. Arréglese todo sinceramente antes del sábado. Examínese uno mismo para ver si está en fe. Necesitamos velar continuamente por nuestra alma, no sea que hagamos una gran profesión y, como la higuera que extendía sus ramas llenas de follaje, no revelemos fruto precioso. Cristo anhela ver tales frutos y recibirlos…

“Llevar el yugo de Cristo significa depender humildemente de Dios y tener una fe que acepta su palabra y confía en él siempre y en todas las circunstancias. El cristiano hace que Dios rija todas sus pasiones. Entonces, si los pensamientos han sido sometidos al cautiverio de Cristo, habrá un saludable crecimiento en belleza y gracia de carácter.” -Manuscrito 62, 1896, del diario de Elena G. de White.

AFC 148.2


Trials come –
And heart aches, too;
Seems my day of happiness is never due.
Somehow, I stop to thank You, LORD,
And find I’ve missed Your promises in Your Word.
So, I must learn to let You fix my life
In your own way
At Your own rate…
And, while I wait,
I need to love You, LORD;
To trust Your Word.

Penned: Uncertain (1986, 1997, 1998, 1999)
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

Bajo EL Amparo De Dios

17 de Mayo

“He aqui, no se adormecerá ni dormirá el que guarda a Israel. Jehová es tu guardador; Jehová es tu sombra a tu mano derecha. El sol no te fatigará de día, ni la luna de noche.” Salmo 121:4-7

16 de Julio, 1897. Me desperté esta mañana a las tres, y elevé mi corazón en oración y agradecimiento a Dios por su cuidado protector sobre el hogar. Oró al Señor que nos tome a todos bajo su protección hoy y haga brillar su rostro sobre nosotros. Oro humildemente que honre nuestra humilde morada con su presencia permanente en nuestro hogar. Que cada individuo de la familia experimente el poder de Dios que convierte cada día el corazón y el carácter. AFC 143.5

“La religión de Cristo en el corazón es el manantial de la vida. Es el agua de vida que Cristo dará a toda alma sedienta que se la pida. Hay muchos que ahuyentan realmente la religión lejos del templo del alma, y su fe no está en Jesucristo… El Huésped celestial debiera ser invitado para ocupar el trono del alma, para dominar cada impulso de la mente y para colocar aun los pensamientos en sujeción a Jesucristo… AFC 144.1

26 de Julio de 1897. Después de buscar al Señor en oración, doy gracias a mi Padre celestial por sus bendiciones. Voy a mi Padre celestial como un niño necesitado va a su padre terrenal. Sabemos que Dios debe estar interesado en nosotros, así como el padre terrenal se interesa en su hijo, pero en un sentido mucho mayor. Me coloco como su hija, y con fe sencilla le pido los pequeños favores así como le pediría los dones mayores, creyendo que el Señor escucha la sencilla y contrita oración. AFC 144.2

“Continúo diciendo en mi corazón, me ama, quiere mi amor, y quiere que yo sea feliz. ‘No quitará el bien a los que andan en integridad’. ‘Porque sol y escudo es Jehová Dios; gracia y gloria dará Jehová’. ‘Jehová de los ejércitos, dichoso el hombre que en ti confía’. Salmos 84:11, 12.” Manuscrito 174, 1897, del diario de Elena G. de White.
AFC 144.3

With Joy Unspeakable

“Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.”
1 Peter 1:8.

“He [Christ] says, ‘If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.’ (John 15:10, 11)

“In Him there is joy that is not uncertain and unsatisfying. If the light that flows from Jesus has come to you, and you are reflecting it upon others, you show that you have joy that is pure, elevating, and ennobling. Why should not the religion of Christ be represented as it really is, as full of attractiveness and power? Why should we not present before the world the loveliness of Christ? Why do we not show that we have a living Saviour, one who can walk with us in the darkness as well as in the light, and that we can trust in Him? . . .

“But minds that are occupied with frivolous reading, with exciting stories, or with seeking after amusement, do not dwell upon Christ, and cannot rejoice in the fullness of His love. The mind that finds pleasure in foolish thoughts and trifling conversation is as destitute of the joy of Christ as were the hills of Gilboa of dew or rain. . . . We need to be constantly filling the mind with Christ, and emptying it of selfishness and sin.

“The life in which the fear of the Lord is cherished will not be a life of sadness and gloom. It is the absence of Christ that makes the countenance sad and the life a pilgrimage of sighs. . . . But Christ dwelling in the soul is a wellspring of joy. For all who receive Him, the keynote of the Word of God is ‘rejoicing.’

“Why should not our joy be full–full, lacking nothing? We have the assurance that Jesus is our Saviour, and that we may freely partake of the rich provision He has made for us. . . . It is our privilege to seek constantly the joy of His presence. He desires us to be cheerful and to be filled with praise to His name. He wants us to carry light in our countenances and joy in our hearts.”

TMK 142.2 – .5

Under God’s Guardianship

May 17th

“Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. . . . The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.” Psalm 121:4-7


July 16, 1897. 
I awakened this morning at three o’clock and lifted my heart in prayer and thanksgiving to God for His watchful care over the household. I pray the Lord to take us all under His guardianship today and make His face to shine upon us. I pray most earnestly that He will honor our humble dwelling with His abiding presence in our home. We may every individual in the family have the converting power of God daily upon heart and character.

“The religion of Christ in the heart is the wellspring of life. It is the living water that Christ will give to every thirsting soul that asks Him. There are many who keep religion in practice far from the soul temple, and their faith is not in Jesus Christ. . . . The heavenly Guest should be invited to occupy the throne of the soul, to control every impulse of the mind, and to bring even the thoughts into subjection to Jesus Christ. . . .

July 26, 1897.
I render thanks unto my heavenly Father for His blessing, after seeking the Lord in prayer. I go to my heavenly Father as a child in need goes to his temporal earthly father. We know that God must be interested in us, as the earthly parent is interested in his child, but to a much larger degree. I place myself as His child, and in simple faith ask for the small favors as I would ask for larger gifts, believing the Lord hears the simple, contrite prayer.

“I keep saying in my heart, He loves me, He wants my love, and He wants me to be happy. ‘No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.’ ‘For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory.’ ‘O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee’ (Psalm 84:11, 12).

“I will appropriate His promises to myself, and will be glad in the Lord and ever praise His holy name.”
TMK* 143.2-6

*”That I May Know Him”


We’ve shared so much Of life together,…
Feast and famine, Good and bad weather.
Near to each other, Or far apart;
Feeling fulfilled, Or broken in heart.

Confused by the noise And trials of life’s heat,
Or resting and quiet,… Resigned at Christ’s feet.
Sometimes so happy, And sometimes sad;
But most days better Than most have had.

Now together, Now alone;
Through cries of distress, Or muted tone.
Through years of hardship, Days of ease;…
Tears of confusion,… Moments of peace….
We’ve made it through boredom, Misunderstandings and fears;
Uncertainties born of Social pressures and cares.

We’ve made it through fasting, And caring, and trust;
With faith and courage,… And prayer – a must!
Through summer’s heat And winter’s cold,
Our faithful God Has kept us bold.

Now, as I view, In retrospect,
The years through which We’ve stood the test,
It seems the best Of days we’ve had,
Were Made of moments Good and bad.

The bad have taught us Firm to stand,
With trust in God Who holds our hand.
The good have helped us Realise
That, though we may fall, Through grace we may rise!

But the cream of it all – Yes, the best, as we’ve trod –
Has been churned in our humblest Communion with God!
So now, as we continue To pray and share,
To trust God and hope, To support and care;
In want or plenty; Healthy or ill;
Or winning, or losing; In woe or weal;
Throughout life’s journey – Or blithe or dull –
Naked or clad, Hungry or full;
No storm that meets us In life will o’overwhelm;
‘Cause we’ve been there together, With God at the helm!

LORD, You taught us to know Just how needed You are –
On the darkest of nights You’re our one Morning Star!
In our times of turmoil Your voice keeps us calm;…
On our sorest of days, You bring our soul balm.

We’re far richer for the time That You’ve blessed us to share;
And Your grace keeps us growing;.. Each one in Your care.

Penned: September 7, 1987, at 1:45 A.M.
Revised: 2001, 2002, 2018.
Copyright© Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

Dignity Without Pride

May 14th

“My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit. . . . My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live. Job 27:4-6

“We should preserve the strictest chastity in thought, and word, and deportment. Let us remember that God sets our secret sins in the light of His countenance. There are thoughts and feelings suggested and aroused by Satan that annoy even the best of men, but if they are not cherished, if they are repulsed as hateful, the soul is not contaminated with guilt, and no other is defiled by their influence. O that we each might become a savor of life unto life to those around us!

“There is great need of a deeper appreciation of the holy truth of God. If all had a realization of the solemnity and weight of the message, many sins that are now carelessly committed would cease from among us. Is there not too often the common thought and communication mingled with the sacred themes of truth? Wherever this is done, the standard is lowered. Your example leads others to regard the truth lightly, and this is one of the greatest sins in the sight of God.

“It is the privilege of every one to so live that God will approve and bless him. You may be hourly in communion with Heaven; it is not the will of your heavenly Father that you should ever be under condemnation and darkness. It is not pleasing to God that you should demerit yourself. You should cultivate self-respect by living so that you will be approved by your own conscience, and before men and angels.

“It is not an evidence of true humility that you go with your head bowed down and your heart filled with thoughts of self. It is your privilege to go to Jesus and be cleansed, and to stand before the law without shame and remorse. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit” (Romans 8:1). While we should not think of ourselves more highly than we ought, the Word of God does not condemn a proper self-respect. As sons and daughters of God we should have a conscious dignity of character, in which pride and self-importance have no part.” TMK 140.5



You wake us up each day anew
With faculties alive,
You let us freely breathe Your air
So vital to our being;
And for this miracle called Life,
We offer thanks, O God!

Your blessings come in friendships true
That show us how to care;
Your love for us transcends our ken,
Making life rich with kinships rare;
And for this miracle called Love,
We offer thanks, OLord!

You give us food to eat each day,
Appropriate attire,
A shelter from the sun and rain,
Strength for each loss, joy in each gain;
And for these miracles in life,
We offer thanks, O Lord!

Your love shines through our trials here,
In words of courage sweet;
You send us love from day to day
In nature’s great or gentle way;
And for the miracle of words,
We offer thanks, O LORD!

Penned: April 23, 1998.
Copyright (c) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


Leaves – scintillating their sunrise psalms …
Leaves – coming astir to entertain the zephyr …
Leaves – sun-whet, selflessly supplying shade …
Leaves – preoccupied in banter with raindrops …
Leaves – lulled to vesper, in still silhouette at sunset …
Leaves – delightfully lifting their litany of rustling praise to God –
the Creator and Giver of all life.

Penned/completed: September 17, 1999.
Copyright (c) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


If you say you love a brother,
And you know He stands in need
Of a helping word, or favour,
Then you, as Christ’s follow’r, heed
His petitions – though unspoken –
Or, his heart you may have broken…
Cede to him! – don’t let him ask?
Volunteer to share the burden
On your weary brother’s heart;
Be a flower in life’s garden –
Bare your soul and plough your part
Of the vineyard where you’re planted;
Share God’s love with him, undaunted
By your pride! – don’t let him ask!

Penned: 1991
Copyright (c) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.