A Holy Listener

May 12th

“There is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether.” Psalm 139:4.

“Every hour of the day we should realize that the Lord is near, that He sees all we do, and hears every word we utter. . . . Cheap, earthly, unchristian words may be represented as ‘strange fire,’ and with this God can have nothing to do. The loud, boisterous laugh is a denial of God in the soul, for it reveals that the truth is not ruling in the heart. . . . By our vain words and unchristian example we dishonor God, and imperil not only our own souls but also the souls of those with whom we associate.

“The example which Christ has given to the world forbids all levity and cheapness, and if the life is made fragrant by the grace of God, these elements will not appear. A genuine cheerfulness, an uplifting influence, will flow forth from all who love God and keep His commandments. And this carries with it a convincing, converting power. “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12), says the apostle. Why with fear and trembling? Lest you shall in any way misrepresent your holy faith by lightness, by trifling, by jesting or joking, and thus give others the impression that the truth which you profess has no sanctifying influence upon the character.

“As followers of Christ we should make our words such as to be a help and an encouragement to one another in the Christian life. Far more than we do, we need to speak of the precious chapters in our experience. We should speak of the mercy and loving-kindness of God, of the matchless depths of the Saviour’s love. Our words should be words of praise and thanksgiving. If the mind and heart are full of the love of God, this will be revealed in the conversation. . . . Great thoughts, noble aspirations, clear perceptions of truth, unselfish purposes, yearnings for piety and holiness, will bear fruit in words that reveal the character of the heart treasure. When Christ is thus revealed in our speech, it will have power in winning souls to Him.”

That I May Know Him 138.4

God’s Arithmitic

“The sower multiplies his seed by casting it away. So it is with those who are faithful in distributing Gods gifts. By imparting they increase their blessings. God has promised them a sufficiency that they may continue to give.”
Christ Object Lessons Page 85.2

“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38

“There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.
The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.”  Proverbs 11:24-25

Listen: “You Can’t Beat God, Giving”!

Limitless Heights to Reach

May 9th

“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 1:13.

‘Gird up the loins of your mind,’ says the apostle; then control your thoughts, not allowing them to have full scope. The thoughts may be guarded and controlled by your own determined efforts. Think right thoughts and you will perform right actions. You have, then, to guard the affections, not letting them go out and fasten upon improper objects. Jesus has purchased you with His own life; you belong to Him, therefore He is to be consulted in all things as to how the powers of your mind and the affections of your heart shall be employed…

“Every wrong tendency may be, through the grace of Christ, repressed, not in a languid, irresolute manner, but with firmness of purpose, with high resolves to make Christ the pattern. Let your love go out for those things that Jesus loved, and be withheld from those things that will give no strength to right impulses. With determined energy seek to learn, and to improve the character every day. You must have firmness of purpose to take yourself in hand and be what you know God would be pleased to have you.”

TMK 135.4

To God Be The Glory

April 30

“Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.”
Jeremiah 9:23, 24.

“This is the most precious reproof and encouragement, the most important lesson for every soul that is trying to serve God. Here is expressed in plain words that in which the Lord delights. All who understand and know God will know Him as One that exercises loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness. If they walk humbly with God they will be enabled to keep the way of the Lord, to do His will in all kindness, compassion, mercy, tenderness, and love, for God has said, “In these things I delight.” Then how careful should we be in regard to the fruit of the lips, that we dishonor not God by dealing unkindly with the purchase of His blood. If we express the character of God, we shall be Christian gentlemen and gentlewomen. . . .

“Our prosperity as a people depends wholly upon our dependence upon God for our sufficiency, grace, and perfection of character in and through our Saviour, who has paid the ransom for us with His own glorious merits.

“Those who know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour have the privilege of being educated and trained in a higher school than that of men, and of being tutored under higher wisdom than that of finite beings. They may come under the tutorship of the greatest Teacher the world ever knew, and partake of the same knowledge that He gave to Daniel. Those who are humble in heart, those who feel their need of higher wisdom and do not rely upon their own finite judgment, but search earnestly to know the will of God, may draw from the Source of all knowledge, and obtain grace, prudence, discretion, and judgment. They will realize the fulfillment of the assurance of God’s Word: ‘The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple’ (Psalm 119:130)”
_TMK 126.4_

Genuine Fruit Bearing

May 7th

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5.

“Said Christ, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.” “I am the vine, ye are the branches.” “Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit” (John 15:1, 5, 2). That unpruned branch may have looked good to human eyes but the eye of One who never slumbers nor sleeps leaves it not alone to die of discouragement. The Husbandman pruneth it, that it may produce fruit unto life eternal. . .

“Whenever professed Christians are constantly flaunting their leaves of profession before the eyes of others, there is no real fruit to the glory of God. Their religious life and experience seem satisfactory to themselves. They have exaggerated emotions, effusive expressions of fervor, and highest exaltations. Their religion consists largely in feeling and excitement. There is very little in their own souls that corresponds to their profession of faith. Self is their ideal of perfection. They value more the outward impression they make upon others than the inner life which is hidden with Christ in God.

“Let everyone who would reveal Christ by being a doer of His Word, become rooted in Christ Jesus, rooted and grounded in the truth. Put away all self-assertion. Let living and acting the lessons of Christ Jesus speak of your perfect obedience to Jesus Christ…

“The formation of the character must go on day by day, hour by hour. The inward working of the Holy Spirit is revealed outwardly in the appearance of fruit, ripening and perfecting to the glory of God. The inward life speaks in the outward action, in the producing of rich fruit. This is showing forth the praises of Him who hath called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. If the Lord Jesus is formed within, the hope of glory, the life will be rich in good works, corresponding with the truth which they profess to believe. TMK 133.5


We play life’s games
And fight life’s battles every day;
We use each other
To meet our goals in every way.
We share our struggles
With those who freely give their help;
But, when we’re blessed with ease and plenty,
Do we forget the hearts and hands
That helped us once ago to stand?
How strange it is that we oft become estranged
From the very ones God used
To help us so to change
When things were down and life was blue!…

But then, sometimes, life takes a
Sudden turn downhill ….
And as we take the humbler [Tumbler’s] view,
We then can learn ‘Tis sweeter still when we are
Re-united in heart
With those, whose love
Nor time nor fear can move apart.

Oh, we know that “United we stand and
Divided we fall”;
But re-united in God’s love
We’ll never truly part;
Riding in places high or low,
Whatever we do, wherever we go….

Copyright© 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


Compassion …
“An abstract term”, you say …
Is it all that abstract, though?
Absent, … yes!
That’s what it is: driven away
By the very ones it united once ago!

Abstract … and yet, so active in each life
God touches in love.
Yes, active in Christ’s walk here on earth,
As well as in His courts above.

What is it worth?
How can we live so smug, content
To pass by on the other side;
While, all around us, lives are spent in
Great suffering and need?

But then, without compassion ,
And filled with pride,
Why would we ever heed
The cry of others?…

God’s compassion made us His very own;
That same compassion makes all brothers!
Show some compassion to a neighbour who’s down?

Compassion …
Abstract, you say?
Make it tangible!

Penned: January 1, 1986
Copyright (c) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


Pressing on though things go wrong,
And singing as you go along;
Battling against all the odds,
Knowing that your cares, too, are God’s;

Smiling though you suffer pain,
Nor letting God’s love in you wane;
Forgiving those who do you wrong,
By God’s grace, with them suffering long;

Gath’ring fresh courage for every hill,
Saying, aye: “By grace I can and will”;
Sweetly accepting every loss
By looking to the Saviour’s cross:
Yes, PERSEVERANCE comes each day
You walk, by faith, Christ’s narrow way!

Penned: 1976
Edited: November 21, 2006, May 19, 2018
Copyright (c) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


Adventist youth who know the Truth,
How does your garden grow?
Have you grown weary – ‘quite contrary’ –
While gardening here below?

Does your fruit-tree produce the thorns
Of anger and despair?
And, do you, sometimes harvest hate
From cultivated fear?

Are you surprised, when ill-health sprouts
From seeds of late hours sown?
And weeds of gloom strangle smiles of
Joy, … gentleness all gone?

Do seeds of selfishness run wild
And over-grow your plot,
Causing buds of good deeds to die?
D’you do that which you’d not?

O, hark! Ye planters of life’s sod!
Heed the Husbandman’s voice!
His grand array of seeds consider,
And quickly make your choice!

For, with the spirit’s seed of Love
Embedded in your heart,
Bright buds of Joy, Gentleness, and Faith
Will ne’er from you depart!

Thus, Peace, Long-suffering, Meekness, and
The Goodness of the LORD
Will grant you Temperance in all things,
As you obey His Word.

Then, let His Spirit tend each bud –
The ripe fruit He’ll bestow!
Adventist youth who profess the Truth –
How does your garden grow?

Penned: 1985
Copyright (c) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


For years I’d lived a leper’s life
And known a beggar’s trade;
My ragged clothes were all I’d had,…
Seemed no one ever cared.

But then, one day, a kind One came,
Who pitied my despair;
His loving smile my spirits raised –
He lent a listening ear.

He told me of a great God’s love
For every suffering soul;
And then, He did it – touched my rags –
He touched and made me whole!

He bade me go a mile with him;
My love, it sent me twain.
I found that, walking thus with Him
Would mean eternal gain.

I saw my fallen rags – those
Ugly sins that I had worn,
And pictured, then, the heavy cross
Which, for me, He had borne.

My skin was clean, so was my life;
My leprosy was gone;
A Friend I’d found – a Saviour, too;
My whole life He had won.

He owns my heart, my life, my all;
He cleansed my sinful soul
That very day He touched my rags.
He came, and made me whole.

Penned: 1976
Published: 1997, American Society of Poets
Edited: November 21, 2015
Copyright (c) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.