Asking In Faith

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”
John 14:12-14

“The Lord is disappointed when His people place a low estimate upon themselves. He desires His chosen heritage to value themselves according to the price He has placed upon them. God wanted them, else He would not have sent His Son on such an expensive errand to redeem them. He has a use for them, and He is well pleased when they make the very highest demands upon Him, that they may glorify His name. They may expect large things if they have faith in His promises.”
DA 668
“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.”
1 John 5:14-15

“Faith is an essential element of prevailing prayer. ‘He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.’ ‘If we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us: and if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.’ Hebrews 11:6, 1 John 5:14, 15. With the persevering faith of Jacob, with the unyielding persistence of Elijah, we may present our petitions to the Father, claiming all that He has promised. The honor of His throne is staked for the fulfillment of His word.”
PK 157

Verso Del Día

22 de Junio

“Quien se dio a sí mismo por nosotros para redimirnos de toda iniquidad y purificar para sí un pueblo propio, celoso de buenas obras.” Tito 2:1

“Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Titus 2:14

Verso Del Día

“Al oír esto Jesús, les dijo: Los sanos no tienen necesidad de médico, sino los enfermos. No he venido a llamar a justos, sino a pecadores.”
Marcos 2:17

“When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Mark 2:17

Revelando a Cristo en el carácter

21 de junio

“Presentándote tú en todo como ejemplo de buenas obras; en la enseñanza mostrando integridad, seriedad, palabra sana e irreprochable, de modo que el adversario se avergüence, y no tenga nada malo que decir de vosotros.” Tito 2:7, 8

“No tema nadie ir al extremo mientras escudriñe la Palabra y humille su alma a cada paso. Cristo debe morar en él por fe. Él, su ejemplo, tenía dominio propio. Caminaba humildemente. Tenía verdadera dignidad. Tenía paciencia. Si nosotros poseemos individualmente estos rasgos de carácter… no habrá extremistas. AFC 178.3

“Cristo nunca erró en su juicio de los hombres y de la verdad. Nunca fue engañado por las apariencias. Nunca levantó una pregunta que no fuera claramente apropiada. Nunca dio una respuesta sino la que convenía y al punto. Redujo al silencio a los sutiles, astutos y taimados sacerdotes, penetrando más allá de la superficie y llegando al corazón, haciendo relucir la luz en su conciencia, lo que los molestaba, pero no se rindieron a la convicción. Cristo nunca fue a los extremos, nunca perdió el dominio propio ni el equilibrio mental por la excitación. Nunca violó la ley del buen gusto y del discernimiento, cuándo hablar y cuándo guardar silencio. Luego, si todos los que pretenden ver los preciosos rayos áureos de la luz del Sol de Justicia siguieran el ejemplo de Cristo, no habría extremistas… AFC 178.4

“Cultívense y manténganse perseverantemente la calma y el dominio propio, pues tal era el carácter de Cristo… No oímos bulliciosas protestas de fe, ni vemos contorsiones corporales ni ademanes en el Autor de toda verdad. AFC 179.1

“Recordad que en él habitaba toda la plenitud de la Deidad corporalmente. Si Cristo habita en nuestro corazón por fe, al contemplar su conducta, procuraremos ser como Jesús: puros, pacíficos e incontaminados. Revelaremos a Cristo en nuestro carácter. No solo recibiremos luz y la absorberemos, sino que también la difundiremos… La simetría, belleza y benevolencia que había en la vida de Jesucristo relucirán en nuestra vida.” – Manuscrito 24, 1890. AFC 179.2

I’ve Been… (But God Is…)

A mangled mass of shredded hopes
And fractured dreams wrought into knots
By bitter rage and dreaded fears
That captured streams of noble thoughts
And kindly deeds behind their dams,
Amid the tears of loneliness…
Throughout the years…. The aching void
Thus sired, cultures calmer climes
Like those of childhood quietude
Where pain, too deep to be defined,
Yet one’s sole sure Companiion,
Translated life’s expectations
Of normalcy: dictatorship;
Rejection; no respite from words
Of hatred and degradation;
Disappointments and disrespect
Whilst being uséd and abuséd
In the name of Filial Love
And my responsibility
To members of the family,
Who, lkie spoilt brats, are catered to,
Their every whim and fancy met
By “Cinderella, Martyr Made”,
Who knows naught else in life, save this:
“You don’t belong; show gratitude
By your respect. Show love to God —
He must come first; put others next,…
…And you be last.”

God’s been, is, and e’er will be:
The sure foundation of our hope (to be continued…)

Lost Infant

Hungry, frightened,
Huddled behind a garbage can
In a darkened street of town.
Itching, shivering,
Tearful; sobbing; bawling, now, as
As night’s darker shades are pulled down.
And so he cries
As hunger bites, and sand-flies sting
His bare buttocks… And he bawls,
For no one seems
To pass his way to give some milk
Or piece of bread … Now he crawls
Around the can;
He cringes from approaching boots
Of big, strong men in fancy clothes.
They pass on by,
Not seeing his wee, wan black face
Or raw ‘cold’ from his black nose,
Which tastes quite good.
He suctions more – from nose to mouth …
No crying now! For his tongue
Labours to get
More ‘cold’ for his supper. His head
Jerks up … Is he hearing wrong?
Familiar sounds
Of shuffling feet … Excited talk …
A ‘bottle lamp’ lights up his face
As hearty yells
Unleash, and Ma sweeps him from his
Restaurant — his hiding place.

(To be continued…)

Sabbath Is Coming! Jesus Is Coming!!

Sabbath is coming, is coming, is coming;
Sabbath is coming, again!
Sabbath is coming, is coming, is coming;
Sabbath is coming, again!
Are you ready? Sabbath is coming again!
Ready and waiting? Sabbath is coming again!
Lord, make us ready – Sabbath is coming again!
Keep us ready and waiting – Sabbath is coming again!

Jesus is coming, is coming, is coming;
Jesus is coming, again!
Jesus is coming, is coming, is coming;
Jesus is coming, again!
Are you ready? Jesus is coming again!
Ready and waiting? Jesus is coming again!
Lord, make us ready – Jesus is coming, again!
Keep us ready and waiting – Jesus is coming, again!

Sabbath is coming and Jesus is coming –
Sabbath is coming again!
Jesus is coming and Sabbath is coming –
Jesus is coming again!
Are you ready? Jesus is coming again!
Ready and waiting? Sabbath is coming and Jesus is coming and Sabbath is coming again!

Jesus is coming! – Go tell the glad story!
Jesus is coming again!
Coming with all of His angels in glory!
Jesus is coming again!
Are you ready? Jesus is coming again!
Ready and waiting? – Jesus is coming again!

For His Church without wrinkle or spot –
Jesus is coming again!
For those who changed not a tittle or jot –
Jesus is coming again!
Coming an hour when you think not –
Jesus is coming again!
Coming to earth again – ready or not –
Jesus is coming again!
Are you ready? Jesus is coming again!
Ready, watching, and waiting? – Jesus is coming, is coming, is coming, oh! Jesus is coming again!!

Sabbath is coming – it’s sanctified, blest –
Sabbath is coming again!
Sabbath is coming – Christ’s holy rest –
Sabbath is coming again!
Are you ready? Sabbath is coming again!
Ready, watching, and waiting? Sabbath is coming, is coming, is coming, oh! Jesus is coming again!

Are you ready? Sabbath is coming again!
Ready, watching, and waiting?
Sabbath is coming –
And Jesus is coming!!
Yes, Sabbath is coming,…

Penned: February 19, 2011
Scriptural allusion:

Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All Rights reserved.

From Now On, Lord

From now on, Lord,
Make me Thine own;
Reign Thou supreme
On my heart’s throne;
By Thine own Word
Keep me Thine own,
Exalted be –
And Thou alone.

From now on, Lord,
Make us Thine own;
Reign Thou supreme
On each heart’s throne;
With Thine own mind,
Seal us Thine own;
Be glorified!
Exalted be!
Be glorified –
And Thou alone!

From now on, Lord!

Penned: 2015
Scriptural allusion:
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

About ABL

Our Brief History:
ABL began initially as an hour-long weekly Conference Call convening on Fridays at 8:30 P.M. EST to study Bible Prophecies. To date, the Lord has graciously enlarged the tents of ABL to have a schedule of six weekly teleconferences also known as Advent-Hour Initiatives.

Our Cause:
Central to the cause of ABL is addressing the need among SDA lay members to be: Equipped with the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of Bible Truths for this “Time of the End”; Mobilised by Christ’s compassionate love for fallen humanity; and Empowered and emboldened by God’s Holy Spirit.

Our Purpose:
Ours is the singular purpose of spreading the Advent Message, sowing “beside all waters” as we proclaim the Loud Cry of End-time Bible Prophecy. This is so that Christ can finish His work in each of us, cut it short in righteousness, and come to take His Commandment-Keeping Bride home, “That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” Ephesians 5:26

Our Charge:
As Christ’s Ambassadors:
“We are not to wait until opportunities come to us; we are to seek for opportunities, and we are to be ready always to give a reason for the hope that is in us.” Gospel Workers 122.3

Our Conviction:
ABL Serves:
“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

Our (Macedonian) Call:
Will you join us?