I’ve Been… (But God Is…)

A mangled mass of shredded hopes
And fractured dreams wrought into knots
By bitter rage and dreaded fears
That captured streams of noble thoughts
And kindly deeds behind their dams,
Amid the tears of loneliness…
Throughout the years…. The aching void
Thus sired, cultures calmer climes
Like those of childhood quietude
Where pain, too deep to be defined,
Yet one’s sole sure Companiion,
Translated life’s expectations
Of normalcy: dictatorship;
Rejection; no respite from words
Of hatred and degradation;
Disappointments and disrespect
Whilst being uséd and abuséd
In the name of Filial Love
And my responsibility
To members of the family,
Who, lkie spoilt brats, are catered to,
Their every whim and fancy met
By “Cinderella, Martyr Made”,
Who knows naught else in life, save this:
“You don’t belong; show gratitude
By your respect. Show love to God —
He must come first; put others next,…
…And you be last.”

God’s been, is, and e’er will be:
The sure foundation of our hope (to be continued…)

Lost Infant

Hungry, frightened,
Huddled behind a garbage can
In a darkened street of town.
Itching, shivering,
Tearful; sobbing; bawling, now, as
As night’s darker shades are pulled down.
And so he cries
As hunger bites, and sand-flies sting
His bare buttocks… And he bawls,
For no one seems
To pass his way to give some milk
Or piece of bread … Now he crawls
Around the can;
He cringes from approaching boots
Of big, strong men in fancy clothes.
They pass on by,
Not seeing his wee, wan black face
Or raw ‘cold’ from his black nose,
Which tastes quite good.
He suctions more – from nose to mouth …
No crying now! For his tongue
Labours to get
More ‘cold’ for his supper. His head
Jerks up … Is he hearing wrong?
Familiar sounds
Of shuffling feet … Excited talk …
A ‘bottle lamp’ lights up his face
As hearty yells
Unleash, and Ma sweeps him from his
Restaurant — his hiding place.

(To be continued…)

Hear My Humble Prayer

Hear my humble prayer, Lord,
Grant each plea I make;
Teach me how to fear, Lord,
All for Jesus’ sake.
Simply to His cross to cling,
Mercy, pardon, grace, to hold,
His sole merits pleading –
Make my poor soul bold.

Take my wicked heart, Lord,
Cleanse and make it Thine;
Give me a new start, Lord,
Armed with Thine own mind.
Let Thy Spirit dwell in me,
To dictate my ev’ry move;
By each trial refined be,
To obey in love.

Change my evil ways, Lord,
Let me holy be;
E’er Thy name to praise, Lord,
Living all for Thee.
This, my stony heart, replace
By Thy promised fleshy heart
Which ne’ermore, by Thy grace,
Shall from Thee depart.

Let me work for Thee, Lord,
In this advent hour;
Faithful steward be, Lord,
By Thy Spirit’s pow’r.
So, when Thy clear call I hear,
And the harvest white, I see,
Like Isaiah, to answer:
“Here am I, send me”!

And, when Thou shalt come, Lord,
In that eastern sky,
Thy bride to take home, Lord,
And to reign on high;
Mayest Thou number me amidst
Those who hear Thy words, “Well done…”,
To the marriage supper bidd’st
By Thy precious Son.

Penned: June 14, 2018
Scriptural allusion: Psalm 61:1; 34:11; John 16:24; Hebrews 7:25; 4:16; Jeremiah 17:9; Psalm 51;2; 1 Peter 4:1; 1 Corinthians 5:17; Philippian 2:5; Romans 8:11; Isaiah 48:10; Zechariah 13:9; 2 Corinthians 5:14; John 14:15; Isaiah 1:16; Ezekiel 36:26; 12:42; 16:2; Acts 1:8; Isaiah 6:8; Luke 10:2; Matthew 24:30; Revelation 21:9; 19:7-8; Matthew 25:23.

Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


Dear LORD,

As our mouth receives this food,
Please fill each heart with gratitude;
And, scant or sumptuous be the fare,
Grant health and strength by what’s served here.
“Bless all who hunger – far and near –
To seek salvation.”, this our prayer
With thanks, for kind hands and Thy grace;
May all our meals exalt Thy praise!

Penned: February 20, 2004.
Scriptural allusion: Psalm 100:4; 145:15; Matthew 6:33; 15:36; 1 Corinthians 10:31.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

Tear-less Hope

Though you sorrow now,
And tears court your brow,
God’s promise holds true:
He comforts you!
God knows; and He cares,
Hears, and answers prayers!
Soon, pain He’ll erase,
Wipe tears from your face;
His face, e’er you’ll see
Through eternity!
‘Til then, hold His hand,
Heeding each command
In His faithful Word –
Making Christ your LORD!

Penned: August 7, 2008, for Erica.
Scriptural allusion – Revelation 21:3-4, 7.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

“I Will Both Lay Me Down In Peace, And Sleep.”

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep,…
Tho’ this life make me laugh or weep,
Or evil doers mutt’r and peep;
All safe within my Master’s keep,
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep….

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep,…
In mountain peak or stormy deep;
Or bruiséd reed or weary sheep,
All safe in the Good Shepherd’s keep,
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep….

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep,…
Though tearful griefs upon me heap;
By morn’ my heart with joy shall leap,
For his Word e’er my Saviour’ll keep:
In faith, I’ll both lay down in peace, and sleep….

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep,…
God’s grace o’er sin-sick soul doth sweep,
The promise of his pow’r I reap;
My soul in my Redeemer’s keep,
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep….

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep,…
For he who’s crossed, ‘fore me, life’s steep
Hath pow’r to free me from death’s grip –
‘Til Advent-hour my soul doth keep!
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep….

Penned: December 25, 2015 at 12:21 A.M.
Scriptural allusion – Psalm 4:8; Ecclesiastes 5:12.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

Christ’s Handmaid

Christ’s handmaid… she, a private soul,
Would show to all God’s love,
‘Though battered by this wicked worl’
She’d grown so fearful of.

And yet, this private soul desires
To share, with humankind,
Some spark that could ignite the fires
Of Christ’s love in some mind.

This love she proffers everyone
Is oft’ quite misconstrued;
Folk feel she must want favours done
For deeds so “kind” and “good”.

They just can’t fathom why or how
Someone should ‘just’ be nice,
So, question every kindness: “Now,
I wonder…what’s the price!”

She bonds with folk, yet unaware
Of treachery, con, or spite;
Then sees, through pain, the mask they wear –
When they don’t treat her right,

So broken-hearted!… All her life,
Hurt,… used,… abused,… a ‘bother’;…
Quite petrified to be a wife,…
Yet yearns to be a mother.

Still, through it all, by grace divine,
Life’s trials she must endure:
Each hour, her all to Christ resign,
Sustained by His mind’s power.

Christ’s handmaid,… wiser now, has learn’d,
To trust no one but God
Whose own Son’s perfect love was spurn’d
As He traversed earth’s sod.

Penned: March 24, 1997. Revised: December 14, 2015.
Scriptural allusion – 2 Corinthians 12:9; 1 Peter 4:12; Psalm 56:4, 11; Isaiah 53:3-5.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

Pre-Advent Pangs

Scourges of wars, Rumours of wars;
Earthquakes rumbling,
Kingdoms crumbling,
Tornadoes twisting towns into twizzlers….

Genocidal vanquishing!
Disposessed wanderingj…
Ruthless plundering!
Indigent langushing…
(Afflictions reign over inordinate suffering….)

Life spins faster, faster, faster:
Educating, re-locating;
Sick neglected, poor rejected –
All in quest of the disappearing dollar….

Oppulence inconvenienced by
Assisting the needy;
Sand-ropes of promises
From the arrogant and greedy ….

Torturous tragedies;
Fire! Fire!! Flood and blood!
Loveless hearts infest the whole wide world….

Moral degradation,…
Psychic desensitization;…
Relativity rules (a.k.a.: lawlessness/licentiousness),…
Pandemic psychological pestilences….

All pre-natal pangs
Heralding the birth of
Revival’s Reformation and
Christ’s return to earth.

Penned: May 18,1999, September 23,2003.
Scriptural allusion – Matthew 24:6-8, 33; 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13; Isaiah 8:19; 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

The Net

I see you in your net of safety –
Yet, a web that has you trapped
Within its tentacles of fear.

A web well-spun from yarns of gaping miles
Tethered by actions unresigned;
Glist’ning with dewdrops of crystalised tears;
Misted by feignéd ignorance;

Its derrick? Silence… frigid and brusque,
And vigilant moats of defensiveness;
This mass-manufacturer of pain….

This web – your emotional safety-net –
The castle-like embattlement of the heart,
Ensnares the Unsuspecting,… Gullible,… Naïve,…
Like an octopus of lust’s ocean-bed….

This web you think to be your safety-net
Is but the nest of the subtle sin-weaving
Spider called ‘self’;

Being subtle,
Spinning self…
Instead of a shuttle
Spinning silk….

Your futile struggles to free yourself
From the sticky meshwork of sin,
Are no match for the subtle spider living within….

Kill that spider, then!
He is no match for Christ’s shuttle of Truth
Which alone can erase spider webs,
And replace with the silk of His grace.

How to do it?
Just to Christ your will submit!

Penned: 1996 – November 5, 2003. Revised: November 13, 2015.
Scriptural allusion – Job 8:13-14; Isaiah 59:1-8; Luke 9:23; 1 Corinthians 15:31; 1 John 4:4; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Matthew 11:29.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

Es La Vida… C’est La Vie… It’s Called, “Life”!…

Life has its many twists and turns:
Times of tension, stress, concerns;
Moral battles, doubt, and fear;
Pain, disease, heartache, and care.

Life rolls out surprises, too,
That can make us glad or blue:
Illness; unexpected friends;
Times of glee; or sure offense.

Life’s a blend of flavoured treats:
Spicy, bland, bitters and sweets;
Sometimes, salt might overpow’r;
Sometimes, it’s all sweet-and-sour!

Life is filled with ups and downs:
Love and hatred make their rounds.
When life throws us for a curve,
Help comes from the God we serve.

Life brings challenges, for sure,
That will test us to the core;
But through Christ each vict’ry’s won –
He’ll make each His champion!

Life gives opportunity
For each human being to be
To each fellowman, a friend –
Helping broken lives to mend.

Life presents us with the choice
(Men and women, girls and boys):
To do what is wrong or right;
To be sad or scale joy’s height

Yes, life’s all this – and then some –
Served abroad, or right at home.
Based upon your point of view –
What’s there on today’s menu?

P. S.
No meal’s complete without dessert!
This earthly life is frought with hurt;
But Christ is coming by and by
To rescue us eternally!

Penned: May, 1999.
Scriptural allusion: 1 Peter 4:12-19; Philippians 4:13; Hebrews 12:2; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 1 Samuel 17:51; Galatians 6:10; Proverbs 18:24; Joshua 24:15; John 15:11; Isa 25:8-9.

Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.