Quiet Kindnesses

From undxpected walks of life
There blossom kindly deed and word
With fragrance of Christ’s love, that give
Us cause anew to praise our LORD.

And none need any knowledve have
Of visits, funds, attire or food
Shared in quiet as God leads, save
Those who helped and understood.

For Christ-like deeds in private done
As sure shall bless as though they be
Great public feats: but shall have won
God’s sure reward – and openly.

Or tiniest act or simplest thought
To every soul that we dispense,
Cbrist will assess – without a doubt –
As incense sweet or great offence.

So all the quiet kindnesses
That rightly represent our God,
They lift a soul in sore distress….
Small miracles that leave us awed!…

This verse awards sincere “Thank-you”
For every ‘unexpected friend’.
Keep faithful! Soon, we’ll share the view
Of heav’n where friendships never end.

Penned: March 23, 1999.
Dedicated to Norma, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
Scriptural allusion: Matthew 6:3-4.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reerved.


Trickle, drip;
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter;…
Like drops of rain
On a window-pane,
They cleanse the air….
So falls each God-appointed tear,
From a new hole burrowed by pain
Released in drops of salty rain
Washing the windows of the soul.

Penned: December 12, 1998.
Scriptural allusion: Hebrews 5:7-8; Psalm 147:3.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

Do You, Really?

You say that life is full of fun
Because you take
Things in their own stride;
That you never worry
About tomorrow, or
Things you can’t do now;
But do you enjoy life,
Or only just a life-style?
Do you have God’s peace?
Or is it a don’t-care
Tell me this:
Do you really live?…
Or, do you just exist?

Penned: July 27, 1985.
Scriptural allusion: Ecclesiastes 9:7-11; John 14:27; John 10:10.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


The beauty of a human touch lies in its tenderness,
And none can bar the Source of love that prompted it.
From deep within the soul of man comes love that God’s planted,
And stirs response within the heart that’s touched by it.

We touch because we care.
We care because of love.
And when, by faith,
We comprehend God’s love for us –
How much He cares,
We can’t help but love others,…
And show His love by caring.

Expressions of love differ from one person to the next,
And one might say, “I care”, in many different ways.
But love’s pow’r cuts through boundaries of status, race, or creed,
Cancels all doubt and fear and hurt – forgives and says:

“You are a part of me for we have one common Father;
You are a child of God who offers you His love!
He has given me so much that I can’t help but pass it on;
Now, let me share with you. Here, take my helping hand!”

“I share because I care, I care because of love.
And when, by faith I comprehend God’s love for me –
How much He cares,
I can’t help but love you, too,…
And show my love by caring.”

Penned: July 27,1985.
Scriptural allusion: Romans 5:5; James 2:15-16.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

Autumn Is Born

The earth –
Wooed and wed by wintry words,
Sometime in Spring,
Bearing the blast of Summer’s heat while
Picnicking through painful pangs,
Has given birth to
Autumn –
God’s glorious art gallery.

Penned: May 6, 1999.
Scriptural allusion: Psalm 19:1.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

Aught Of God’s Autumn

Autumn is…

When lush, green leaves
Don new attire to
Entertain new weather….

Lively leaves with colours ablaze in
Glorious splendour…
Such rich display of God’s amazing

The smile of the seasons….
After Summer’s laughter
(Tickled by Spring’s giggles)
Ripples by; then comes
Autumn’s mellow smile of contentment:
Prelude to Winter’s snore…

An entertaining raindance of
Enlivened leaves of exotic colours
Ablaze in sun-drenched resplendence of
Gold, red, orange, and brown

The mellow, muted tones of harp in the
Orchestra of the Seasons….

An interracial exodus of excited leaves
Whirling, swirling, twirling happily to their
Damp demise….

A pause for effect…
Priceless punctuation in the
Sentence of the Seasons…

Spring’s aurora,
Summer’s noon; then
Autumn’s ambient twilight
Ere Winter’s moon….

The smile of all the seasons…
Summers’s laughter,…
Winter’s snore,…
Spring’s giggle,…
Autumn’s smile of cool contentment….

Penned Autumn, 1997.
Scriptural allusion: Daniel 2:21; Psalm 104:19; Genesis 8:22; Psalm 74:17; Song of Solomon 2:11.
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


● Happy 16th!
I met you as a baby,
Watched you growing as a girl;
Now, you are a young lady
Ready to face the world!
For sixteen years you’ve budded
In purity, through grace;
And, now that you have blossomed,
Let not this age erase
The seeds of God’s Word planted
Deep within your heart’s sod;
You’ll ne’er be disappointed,
Whilst on the path Christ trod.
For God has led you safely
Amid the fires of youth;
So, trust in His love fully,
And follow in His Truth.
Take Jesus as your Partner,
Walk with Him every day;
Have Him your only Counselor;
Let His Word light your way.
Thus you’ll learn that, by heeding:
His wisdom you’ll retain;
– No loss, to Him submitting!
– Instead, eternal gain!
● Graduation!…
Now that you’ve earned some Master’s
Degrees of schools on earth,
And life spins even faster,
Trying you for all you’re worth;
Remember Thy Creator
Now, in the days of “youth”!
For He’s thine only Master,
Whose Truth all ills can soothe.
He owns your every fibre
Of intellect or being;
As well, your: talent, treasure,
And,.. anyone you’re “seeing”!
Submit to Christ your whole life –
To which He owns all rights;
All your will (not “most” or “half”),
Not small, convenient bytes.
For He gives no such degrees
As, ‘masters’,… ‘Batchelors’…
But crowns! to those on their knees,
O’er self being conquerors.
For His approval, study,
Watching God’s Word; and pray
That He pronounce you ‘godly’
On “Graduation” Day!
[Dear LORD, news so delicious
Has come my way, today:
Rochelle – so very precious –
Done gave her heart away!
[The Damsel’s getting married!
And now, what should I say?
For You’re  her Maker-Husband!
– Yet, “T” she must obey!]
● Marriage/Home/Parenting/Witnessing!…
Dear one, make Christ your Master  –
To Him be duty-bound;
His Word solves problems faster!
‘Twill keep your marriage sound.
Around your family altar
May God’s rich grace prevail;
May Satan ever falter,
And tempt to no avail.
Husband! Be true like Joseph,
Stephen, Paul, Daniel,
Making your home a haven
Where holy joys excel!
God bless your bestowed quiver
To glorify His name,
Bring gladness to you ever –
And never grief or shame.
Now, wife, be honoured like Ruth;
Your household known for good:
The lighthouse be of God’s Truth –
All ’round your neighbourhood.
God’s love and peace attend you
Beyond your highest dream,
Be sure your home’s a venue
Where His will reigns supreme.
Amiss this ode be tho’ indeed,
If, never word be penned
To pray for world’s harvest-field,
Or willing hands to lend.
For Christ, our heavenly Bride-groom
Comes soon, to change our name!
For each, He’s reserved room – at
“Marriage Supper of the Lamb”.
Prophets have seen in vision
The glory He’ll bestow;
Soul-saving’s now our mission,
Christ’s kingdom here to grow.
But! – so there’s no confusion:
Each heart needs first take stock!
HOME’S the FIRST field of mission –
Secure your precious flock!

Penned (in installments, dedicated to my young friend, Rochelle): May 2,1998 (verses 1-3); November 4, 2003 (verses 4-6); May, 2004 (verses 7-12); 2015 (verses 13-24); and revised in 2016 (verses 7-12).
Scriptural allusion: Psalm 144:12; Proverbs 4:21-27; 31:10-31; 22:6; Ephesians 5:22-31; Genesis 18:19; 12:8; 13:18; Psalm 127:5.

Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.

What Do You Want?

What do you want?
Companionship, and tenderness in gaze?
Gentle tones in talk and touch,
And understanding ways?
Or, is it Courage, Stamina, and Strength,
Enduring through thick and thin;
Defeating all the odds, at length,
And never giving in?…
Patience that passes ev’ry test,
adjusting at each turn?
Virtue protecting Modesty
When passions flare and burn?
A relationship with God that’s sweet,
Calming your every nerve;
That draws you to His piercéd feet,
Equipping your heart to serve
Him, as His Spirit subdues
Your stubborn will
And you bask in His peace?…
As you learn to be still, and
Know Him as your God…
Your constant Friend and Guide?
‘Til you no longer seek to hide
Away from His outstretched arm of
Mercy and all-consuming love,
But rest in its safety and thrill to its charm
And with wanton abandon your heart
Soars above in surrender and sweet release?
So, what do you want?
There are “no free lunches” –
So, what have you brought?
Let’s hear your thought?
Friendship is like a bank account:
Without your deposit
You’ll have no credit
From which to withdraw
Any needed amount.
So, first, you must give, and give, and give,..
And then your reward you will receive;
Can’t put to the test
What you never invest.
The harvest comes last – as all farmers know;
Before ripe fruit come the seed and the plough.
Life owes you none of what you seek,
But the seeds you sow bear the fruit you reap.
So, what do you REALLY  want, my friend?
For you first must have in view, that end;
Next, wisely choose the fertile land –
Select it by God’s guiding hand!
Then till the soil with gentlest care,
Bible study and daily prayer.
Nurture the seedlings in their rows,
Enjoying the beauty as each grows
So fragile and pure; remember:
Reaping comes only when the fruit is mature!
So now, to watch, and wait, and learn….
As you water and feed….
(Keep the soil free of weed!)
Oh, your dear heart so yearns
The sweet fruit to taste –
But untimely waste’s born
Of things done in haste!
So, quit you like a man –
Show courage, show strength;
Know by God’s grace that you can
And will conquer at length!
With sanctified mind
Fix your eyes on His prize!
Then reap your surprise of true Love’s dividend!

Penned: Autumn, 1996
Revised: November 4, 2003; November 21, 2015
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


Trials come –
And heart aches, too;
Seems my day of happiness is never due.
Somehow, I stop to thank You, LORD,
And find I’ve missed Your promises in Your Word.
So, I must learn to let You fix my life
In your own way
At Your own rate…
And, while I wait,
I need to love You, LORD;
To trust Your Word.

Penned: Uncertain (1986, 1997, 1998, 1999)
Copyright (C) 2018 Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.


We’ve shared so much Of life together,…
Feast and famine, Good and bad weather.
Near to each other, Or far apart;
Feeling fulfilled, Or broken in heart.

Confused by the noise And trials of life’s heat,
Or resting and quiet,… Resigned at Christ’s feet.
Sometimes so happy, And sometimes sad;
But most days better Than most have had.

Now together, Now alone;
Through cries of distress, Or muted tone.
Through years of hardship, Days of ease;…
Tears of confusion,… Moments of peace….
We’ve made it through boredom, Misunderstandings and fears;
Uncertainties born of Social pressures and cares.

We’ve made it through fasting, And caring, and trust;
With faith and courage,… And prayer – a must!
Through summer’s heat And winter’s cold,
Our faithful God Has kept us bold.

Now, as I view, In retrospect,
The years through which We’ve stood the test,
It seems the best Of days we’ve had,
Were Made of moments Good and bad.

The bad have taught us Firm to stand,
With trust in God Who holds our hand.
The good have helped us Realise
That, though we may fall, Through grace we may rise!

But the cream of it all – Yes, the best, as we’ve trod –
Has been churned in our humblest Communion with God!
So now, as we continue To pray and share,
To trust God and hope, To support and care;
In want or plenty; Healthy or ill;
Or winning, or losing; In woe or weal;
Throughout life’s journey – Or blithe or dull –
Naked or clad, Hungry or full;
No storm that meets us In life will o’overwhelm;
‘Cause we’ve been there together, With God at the helm!

LORD, You taught us to know Just how needed You are –
On the darkest of nights You’re our one Morning Star!
In our times of turmoil Your voice keeps us calm;…
On our sorest of days, You bring our soul balm.

We’re far richer for the time That You’ve blessed us to share;
And Your grace keeps us growing;.. Each one in Your care.

Penned: September 7, 1987, at 1:45 A.M.
Revised: 2001, 2002, 2018.
Copyright© Dahana Baxter. All rights reserved.